Saturday, January 24, 2009

Thanksgiving 2008

Thanksgiving, yummy food, family, traditions, GRATITUDE! I have so much to be thankful wonderful husband (who puts up with me!), three gorgeous children, an extended family who loves us, a cozy home filled with love, a loving Heavenly Father... I could go on forever. I love Thanksgiving. We spent it with my family this year. The group was small but fun. We ate a delicious dinner, thanks Grandma! While we cleaned up the children colored on paper at the table, then we went to the park. When we came back to Grandmas, Brent and his family had arrived and the tree came out. Every Thanksgiving we help Grandma and Grandpa Thatcher set up and decorate their Christmas tree. The little children loved the box and the big kids hung their favorite ornaments. Then we make a candy countdown out of ribbon, colored saran wrap and candy...and so begins CHRISTMAS!


Leah said...

I'm going to have to steal that picture of the kids in the box! They are SO cute!

Kevin, Sarah & Kids said...

how fun! I sure love your mom! cute kids

Dianne said...

Yae, another cute blog for me to follow! Thanksgiving sounded fun but I think it's time for a new post :).
It was great seeing you and Allen the other day, although a sad occasion.
Your family is so cute!

Jill Sorhus said...

I'm so glad you updated! I keep checking! You always have such fun traditions on all the holidays. I love the picture with Anna and the cat! I love cats too! I need One!