Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Blaze Game

I took the kids to the Blaze game Friday night. It was my company party, Allen had to work, but the children still wanted to go...so we went. We had a lot of fun! We had dinner in the VIP lounge and lower bowl tickets! It was mascot night, all the mascots from college and professional teams were there. The kids had to have a picture taken with Cosmo cougar (BYU) for dad and of course Chief of the Utah Blaze. The children were so good we stayed until the end of the game to get their posters and football signed by the mascots. What a night!:)


Leah said...

Looks like you had a blast! It looks like the wined and dined you!

Geoff & Jill said...

your kids are sooooo cute!! Wish I could have come to the company party...:-( I love your blog by the way